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SubjectRe: Disturbing wide variation in execution time
(please do not top-post)

07.07.2005 10:03, Sheo Shanker Prasad wrote/a écrit:
> Dear David,
> The program is an atmospheric chemistry-transport modeling code that computes
> the distributions of atmospheric species (e.g., ozone) as a function of
> latitude and altitude and how that changes with time.
Well, to let us examine your problem, you need to describe what
*technicaly* does your program. ie: lots of disk access, lots of
networks acces, lots of CPU access, allocate huge memory... in
particular, is it CPU bound or I/O bound? You should also mention how
tasks/thread is your program composed of.

It's good to describe your hardware: cluster of NUMA computers or just
one x86? How much memory, what kind of network, how many hard disks,
which exact version of the kernel....

Cherry on the top, you could include a *small* program which exhibit the
same problem.

> Thanks for taking time to think about my problem. I greatly appreciate it.
To answer briefly your question, _in general_ a program which takes more
than a few seconds to execute should take roughly the same time to
execute all the times.

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