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SubjectRe: OOPS: frequent crashes with bttv in 2.6.X series (inc. 2.6.12)
Hi Mauro,

First of all, many thanks for taking the time to reply to my email!

> We don't have any other OOPS reported for BTTV cards.

The reply from Bodo Eggert seems to indicate otherwise..

Here is some extra information as requested:

> 1) desactivate any overclocking at motherboard/video board;

I do not use any kind of overclocking, never have done and never will!

> 2) use a standard vanilla kernel (not a distro kernel, that may have
> some experimental patches applied;

The crashes I reported were on a vanilla 2.6.12 kernel, compiled straight from
the tarball on

> 3) use a minimum ammount of cards leaving only neccessary cards at MB.
> For these, it is good to clean its contacts;

The only extension cards I use are:
- 1 nVidia GeForce 6800 video adapter
- 1 Pinacle PCTV card
- 1 3Com 3c905C ethernet card
- 1 SB Live! 1024 card

I regularly vacuum-clean my tower and have checked the contacts on the extension
cards on several occasions. For tests, I am willing to remove the NIC +
soundcard if you think that will help (will try over the weekend), but in the
long run I don't consider any of the above cards to be "exotic" or optional..

> 4) Test it again.

Will do, as stated above. On a sidenote, so far I have been unable to reproduce
the problem when PREEMPT is disactivated (I stressed my box by compiling a
kernel while watching TV).


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