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SubjectRe: HELP: NFS mount hangs when attempting to copy file
on den 20.07.2005 Klokka 18:56 (-0400) skreiv Timothy Miller:
> My research suggests that NFS client mounting is kernel-based, so
> that's why I'm posting here. If there's a more appropriate list to
> post to, I apologise, but I am not a list member.
> I'm having a bit of a problem doing simple copies over an NFS mount.
> The client is running Linux (2.6.11), and the server is running
> Solaris (5.8).
> When I first boot the client, getting NFS directory listings works
> just fine. But the instant I try to copy a file (to or from), the NFS
> mount hangs. While I can still do other network activity (even rlogin
> to the server), any NFS access I try to do after that point hangs,
> including directory listings.
> I have had this same client and server working flawlessly for years.
> The only change is that the client is now on a VPN (Watchguard SOHO
> box). However, I have a Sun machine on the same VPN network segment,
> and it can copy files with no problem, so it's not the router/SOHO
> that's blocking anything. (NIS and DNS also work just fine for both
> machines.)

I beg to disagree. A lot of these VPN solutions are unfriendly to MTU
path discovery over UDP. Sun uses TCP by default when mounting NFS
partitions. Have you tried this on your Linux box?


> Also, after it hangs like that, I cannot reboot the machine normally.
> When attempting to unmount the network filesystems, the shutdown
> hangs, and I have to hard-reset the machine.
> Is there anyone who could please help me to debug this problem? As
> far as I know, I have NFS setup properly, but I don't know enough
> about it to know what options I might try. I don't even care if the
> fix degrades performance; I just want it to not hang.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks very much in advance!
> -
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