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Subjectshared subtrees implementation writeup
Thanks for the writeup, it helps to understand things a bit better.
However I still don't understand a few things:

> Section 1. mount:
> to begin with we have a the following mount tree
> root
> / / \ \ \
> / t1 t2 \ \
> t0 t3 \
> t4
> note:
> t0, t1, t2, t3, t4 all contain mounts.
> t1 t2 t3 are the slave of t0.
> t4 is the slave of t2.
> t4 and t3 is marked as shared.
> The corresponding propagation tree will be:
> p0
> / \
> p1 p2
> /
> p3
> ***************************************************************
> p0 contains the mount t0, and contains the slave mount t1
> p1 contains the mount t2
> p3 contains the mount t4
> p2 contains the mount t3
> NOTE: you may need to look at this multiple time as you try to
> understand the various scenarios.
> ***************************************************************

Why you have p2 and p3? They contain a single mount only, which could
directly be slaves to p0 and p1 respectively. Does it have something
to do with being shared?

BTW, is there a reason not to include the pnode info in 'struct
vfsmount'? That would simplify a lot of allocation error cases.

> The key point to be noted in the above set of operations is:
> each pnode does three different operations corresponding to each stage.
> A. when the pnode is encountered the first time, it has to create
> a new pnode for its child mounts.
> B. when the pnode is encountered again after it has traversed down
> each slave pnode, it has to associate the slave pnode's newly created
> pnode with the pnode's newly created pnode.
> C. when the pnode is encountered finally after having traversed through
> all its slave pnodes, it has to create new child mounts
> for each of its member mounts.

Now why is this needed? Couldn't each of these be done in a single step?

I still can't see the reason for having these things done at different
stages of the traversal.

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