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    SubjectRe: Re: more git updates..
    Dear diary, on Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 01:31:10AM CEST, I got a letter
    where Linus Torvalds <> told me that...
    > On Sat, 9 Apr 2005, Linus Torvalds wrote:
    > >
    > > Actually, I guess I wouldn't have to change the format. I could just
    > > extend the existing "tree" object to be able to point to other trees, and
    > > that's it.
    > Done, and pushed out. The current git.git repository seems to do all of
    > this correctly.

    Ok, so now I can dare announce it, I hope. I hacked my branch of git
    somewhat, kept in sync with Linus, and now I have something to show.
    Please see it at

    It is basically a set of (still rather crude) shell scripts upon Linus'
    git, which make it sanely usable by mere humans for actual version
    tracking. Its usage _is_ going to change, so don't get too used to it
    (that'd be hard anyway, I suspect), but it should be working nicely.

    I have described most of the interesting parts and some basic usage in
    the README at that page. It wraps commits, supports log retrieval and
    comfortable diffing between any two trees. And on top of that, it can do
    some basic remote repositories - it will pull (rsync) from them and it
    can make the local copy track them - on pull, it will be updated
    accordingly (and your local commits on the tracked branch will get

    I didn't attach a patch against Linus since I think it's pretty much
    useless now. It's available as against-linus.patch on the web, and
    you can apply it to the latest git tree (NOT 0.03). But it's probably
    better idea to wget my tree. You can then watch us making progress by linus pasky

    and see where we differ by: linus pasky

    (This is how the against-linus.patch was generated. I'd easily generate
    even 0.03 patch this way, but I forgot to merge the fsck at that time,
    so it would suck.)

    (Note that the tree you wget is set up to track my branch. If you want
    to stop tracking it (basically necessary now if you want to do local
    commits), do:

    cp .dircache/HEAD .dircache/HEAD.local

    The cp says that something like "I want to pick up where the tracked
    branch left off". Otherwise, untracking would return you to your "local"
    branch, which is just some ancient predecessor of the pasky branch here

    Note that I didn't really test it on anything but git itself yet, so I'm
    not sure how will it cope especially with directories - I tried to make
    it aware of them though. I will do some more practical testing tomorrow.

    Otherwise, I will probably try to consolidate the usage and
    documentation now, and beautify the scripts. I might start pondering
    some merging too. Oh, and :-)

    Have fun and please share your opinions,

    Petr "Pasky" Baudis
    98% of the time I am right. Why worry about the other 3%.
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