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SubjectRe: more git updates..

Dear diary, on Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 09:45:52PM CEST, I got a letter
where Linus Torvalds <> told me that...
> The good news is, the data structures/indexes haven't changed, but many of
> the tools to interface with them have new (and improved!) semantics:
> In particular, I changed how "read-tree" works, so that it now mirrors
> "write-tree", in that instead of actually changing the working directory,
> it only updates the index file (aka "current directory cache" file from
> the tree).
> To actually change the working directory, you'd first get the index file
> setup, and then you do a "checkout-cache -a" to update the files in your
> working directory with the files from the sha1 database.

that's great. I was planning to do something with this since currently
it really annoyed me. I think I will like this, even though I didn't
look at the code itself yet (just on my way).

> Also, I wrote the "diff-tree" thing I talked about:

Hmm, I wonder, is this better done in C instead of a simple shell
script, like my I'd say it is more flexible and probably
hardly performance-critical to have this scripted, and not difficult at
all provided you have ls-tree. But maybe I'm just too fond of my
script... ;-) (Ok, there's some trouble when you want to have newlines
and spaces in file names, and join appears to be awfully ignorant about
this... :[ )

BTW, do we care about changed modes? If so, they should probably have
their place in the diff-tree output.

BTW#2, I hope you will merge my ls-tree anyway, even though there is no
user for it currently... I should quickly figure out some. :-)

> Can you guys re-send the scripts you wrote? They probably need some
> updating for the new semantics. Sorry about that ;(

I'll try to merge ASAP.

Petr "Pasky" Baudis
98% of the time I am right. Why worry about the other 3%.
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