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SubjectRe: Kernel SCM saga..

On Sat, 9 Apr 2005, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> I'm not entirely convinced wget is going to be an efficient way to
> synchronize and fetch your tree

I don't think it's efficient per se, but I think it's important that
people can just "pass the files along". Ie it's a huge benefit if any
everyday mirror script (whether rsync, wget, homebrew or whatever) will
just automatically do the right thing.

> Perhaps that's why you were compressing the stuff too? It sounds better
> not to compress the stuff on-disk

I much prefer to waste some CPU time to save disk cache. Especially since
the compression is "free" if you do it early on (ie it's done only once,
since the files are stable). Also, if the difference is a 1.5GB kernel
repository or a 3GB kernel repository, I know which one I'll pick ;)

Also, I don't want people editing repostitory files by hand. Sure, the
sha1 catches it, but still... I'd rather force the low-level ops to use
the proper helper routines. Which is why it's a raw zlib compressed blob,
not a gzipped file.

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