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Subjectscheduler/SCHED_FIFO behaviour
I am scheduling 2 SCHED_FIFO processes and set them affinity( process A runs 
on processor 1 and process B runs on processor 2), on a HT processor.(I did
this cause I wanted to run them together).Now, in schedule() I measure the
timedifference between when they are scheduled. I found that when I
introduce these 2 processes as SCHED_FIFO they are

1)scheduled only once and run till completion ( they running time is around
2 mins.)
2)entire system appears mouse/key presses detected until the
processes exit.

From what I observed does it mean that even the OS / interrupt handler does
not occur during the entire period of time these real time processes run??
(as I said the processes run in minutes).
How can I verify that?


>From: Steven Rostedt <>
>To: Arun Srinivas <>
>CC:, LKML <>
>Subject: Re: sched /HT processor
>Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 19:08:06 -0400
>On Mon, 2005-04-04 at 04:22 +0530, Arun Srinivas wrote:
> > Thanks. yes, a reschedule may not take place after a ms, if the
> > running task cannot be preempted by another task.
> >
> > (1) But, can a reschedule happen within a millisec (or once a process is
> > scheduled can schedule() be called before the next millisec.) ?
> >
>Yes. For example: a high priority task may be waiting for some IO to
>come in. Right after the normal timer interrupt scheduled another task,
>the IO may come in and wake the high priority process up. This process
>will preempt the other task right away. (ie. less than 1 ms).
> > 2) Also in case argument (1) is not true, and I want rescheduling to be
> > (i.e., schedule() called) in less than 1 ms , can I directly change the
> > value in <asm-i386/param.h> and recompile my kernel so that my timer
> > interrupt will occur frequently?
> >
>Well, 1) is true, but you can also increase HZ over 1000 if you like,
>but that will usually cause more overhead, since, although a schedule
>may not take place every HZ, a timer interrupt will.
>-- Steve

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