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SubjectRE: Industry db benchmark result on recent 2.6 kernels
On Fri, 1 Apr 2005, Chen, Kenneth W wrote:

> To run this "industry db benchmark", assuming you have a 32-way numa box,
> I recommend buying the following:
> 512 GB memory
> 1500 73 GB 15k-rpm fiber channel disks
> 50 hardware raid controllers, make sure you get the top of the line model
> (the one has 1GB memory in the controller).
> 25 fiber channel controllers
> 4 gigabit ethernet controllers.
> 12 rack frames

Ken, given that you don't have the bandwidth to keep all of those disks
fully utilized, do you have any idea how big a performance hit you would
take going to larger, but slower SATA drives?

given that this would let you get the same storage with about 1200 fewer
drives (with corresponding savings in raid controllers, fiberchannel
controllers and rack frames) it would be interesting to know how close it
would be (for a lot of people the savings, which probably are within
spitting distance of $1M could be work the decrease in performance)

David Lang

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