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SubjectRe: [Question] Does the kernel ignore errors writng to disk?
On Iau, 2005-04-28 at 19:14, Bryan Henderson wrote:
> Probably the most common way to get the simple but slow write function
> where the write() call actually writes to stable storage, and fails if it
> can't, is the O_SYNC open flag.

O_SYNC doesn't work completely on several file systems and only on the
latest kernels with some of the common ones.

> But even that, in some versions of Linux, can miss write errors. It's not
> easy for Linux to catch them because the code that sees the I/O fail
> doesn't know if it's part of some synchronous procedure where the user
> will eventually find out about the error or the more common case where the
> application has optimistically walked away and nothing can be done but
> write off the loss.

Or because the error is reported out of order and there are ordering
guarantees in the fs. SCSI is ok here other controllers are not always

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