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SubjectRe: [PATCH] PCI: Add pci shutdown ability
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005, Alexander Nyberg wrote:

> Not sure what you mean by "make kexec work nicer" but if it is because
> some devices don't work after a kexec I have some objections.

That was indeed the reason, at least in my case. The newly-rebooted
kernel doesn't work too well when there are active devices, with no driver
loaded, doing DMA and issuing IRQs because they were never shut down.

> What about the kexec-on-panic?
> In the end at least every storage device should work after a
> kexec-on-panic or else there might be cases where we cannot get dumps of
> what happened. My guess is that having access to the network might come
> in handy after a kexec-on-panic as well.
> So if this patch is because some devices don't work across kexec I don't
> think this is a good idea because the same devices won't work after a
> kexec-on-panic.

Do I understand your argument correctly? You seem to be saying that
because this new facility sometimes won't work (the kexec-on-panic case)
it shouldn't be added at all. What about all the other times when it will

Alan Stern

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