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SubjectRe: [PATCH 0/7] procfs privacy
On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 22:18 +0200, Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro
> For this purpose I (re)submitted a patch originally made by Serge E.
> Hallyn that adds a hook in order to catch task lookups, thus, providing
> an easy way to handle and determine when a task can lookup'ed.
> It's at:
> vSecurity currently provides support for it (optional).
> SELinux policy can handle in a much more fine-grained these
> restrictions, just that it's still something that not all people can
> deploy without some special effort and "tweak up" (if their system
> doesn't provide support for it, of course, currently Red Hat has done a
> great job in that terms).

To be precise, SELinux assigns security labels to /proc inodes
(/proc/pid inodes are labeled based on the associated task label, and
other /proc inodes are labeled based on the policy configuration), and
controls access based on the policy. It can e.g. prevent a process in
one security domain from accessing anything under /proc/<pid> for a
process in a different domain, but not from seeing the top-level entry
in /proc itself (as it doesn't do any kind of directory filtering).

Stephen Smalley <>
National Security Agency

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