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SubjectRe: more git updates..

On Sun, 10 Apr 2005, Paul Jackson wrote:
> Useful explanation - thanks, Linus.

Hey. You're welcome. Especially when you create good documentation for
this thing.


> Is this picture and description accurate:

[ deleted, but I'll probably try to put it in an explanation file
somewhere ]

Yes. Excellent.

> Minor question:
> I must have an old version - I got 'git-0.03', but
> it doesn't have 'checkout-cache', and its 'read-tree'
> directly writes my working files.

Yes. Crappy old tree, but it can still read my git.git directory, so you
can use it to update to my current source base.

However, from a usability angle, my source-base really has been
concentrating _entirely_ on just the plumbing, and if you actually want a
faucet or a toilet _conntected_ to the plumbing, you're better off with
Pasky's tree, methinks:

> How do I get a current version? Well, one way I see,
> and that's to pick up Pasky's:
> Perhaps that's the best way?

Indeed. He's got a number of shell scripts etc to automate the boring

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