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SubjectRe: rootdelay
Hi David,

David N. Welton wrote:
> [ Please CC replies to me, thanks! ]
> Hi, I was looking at your patch:
> Very small, which is nice.
> I was wondering if there were any interest in my own efforts in that
> direction:
> which is far more intrusive, and perhaps isn't good kernel programming
> style, but, on the other hand, is the optimal solution in terms of
> boot time because it wakes up the boot process right when the device
> comes on line.
> Since I saw your patch included, it looks like there is interest in
> this, and I'd toot my own horn once more before just leaving my patch
> to the bit rot of the ages...
> Thanks!

As simple as it may be, it's a bit of a shame that we actually need rootdelay
as its something that the kernel should do automatically. At the time when we
last discussed it, we didn't come up with a better (and safe) way to handle
it, but I don't think we considered anything like your implementation.

I've CC'd a few people who were involved the last time around to see if they
have any input for you.

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