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SubjectRe: PCI Error reporting & recovery
Hi, Ben.

How kind of you to remember.

Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> I was reading the list archives for the discussion back in September
> about PCI error reporting. Has there been any further progress on this
> since then ?

Now I have a rewrite of the previous "clear/read_pci_errors" patch.
The new one adopts iomap infrastructure, considering generality,
capability and so on. And the part of its implementation for IA64 is
now under test using converted SCSI/NIC drivers.

Soon I'll post the patch to lkml(+IA64ML) with some explanation of the
change and the result of test, and will beg/hear comments.

> I'm looking into adapting something for the need of ppc64 as well
> (which, btw, has 1 slot = 1 bridge on most cases, but not all of them :)
> which uses quite different low level mecanisms. (Basically, we have to
> go through the firmware to get to the errors).
> Also, our bridges are automatically isolating slots that had any error
> on them (including DMA) and we have the ability to recover, by
> triggering a reset on a given segment and that sort of thing, for which
> I would like to provide dirvers with an API to control as well.
> Finally, I was thinking about some richer semantics for the error
> themselves. For example, on DMA error, we can sometimes get good details
> about the faulting address etc... which may be intersting for the driver
> to log, for diagnostic purpose at least.

Actually I don't have enough knowledge about platforms other than IA32/64,
so it will be helpful if you could tell me practical matters about ppc64

> So I'd like to start from what you did back then and discuss possible
> APIs for the above ideas / changes. What is the status of that stuff ?
> did it evolve since then ?

It goes slowly but steadily...
I'd also like to start the discussion about PCI error reporting again.


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