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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2.6.11-rc2] ide: driver updates (phase 2)
Tejun Heo wrote:
> Oops, I accidentally put ", ," in the To: line of all the mails which
> contain patches, and they don't show up on the lkml. I'll post the
> patches again.
> Bartlomiej, if you got the first set of patches, please ignore them.
> The contents are identical, so if you've already reviewed them, you
> don't have to verify the new set. I'm really sorry. As I've been
> making quite a few mistakes during mailing patches manually, I've
> written a script to do it, but I still manage to make mistakes. :-(

I resent the patches and the same thing happened. I digged the
problem and found out that my script was faulty. The reason was that
the mail program didn't handle commas appropriately in to-addr list.
Bartlomiej, I sincerely apologize for polluting your mailbox yet again.
Please forgive me, it won't happen again (really!). :-)

I'll repost the patches in another thread. Sorry again about the mess.


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