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SubjectRe: [RFC] Linux Kernel Subversion Howto
On 03/feb/05, at 11:45, Stelian Pop wrote:

>> For now I'm keeping the latest stable 2.6 release of the files I need
>> in the svn repo, then when I need to sync with the rest of the world,
>> I
>> get the latest -bk patch and see if there are some related changes. If
>> so, I create a new branch, apply the -bk patch (only the interesting
>> part) and then apply my modifications on top of that.
> With the 'full' svn solution you lose some storage space but you
> gain in time. The above steps are automatic and you don't have to
> bother looking at the changes, decide if it matters or not, etc.

Well, I just have found a way to download single diffs out of bkbits,
so I can probably just interface with that. Remember, I have to track
only two files.
Mine was the point of view of a small kernel worker, I maintain only
one driver and I don't want to commit more resources to the task than
what would be reasonable. The difference in storage space is measurable
in several hundredth of megabytes, and that is a big gain on my poor

However, that does not remove any value from your howto, that is both
complete and useful.

Daniele Venzano

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