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SubjectRe: Huge unreliability - does Linux have something to do with it?
On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 07:18:17 -0500, Wakko Warner <> wrote:
> Please keep me CCd
> jerome lacoste wrote:
> > particular hardware (Dell Inspiron 8100)? I run Linux on 3 other
> I have this exact same laptop. It works perfectly for me with linux.
> Originally started with a 2.4 kernel and recently went to 2.6.10. The modem
> works well, the video card works well even with 3D accel. I replaced the
> original 30gb hdd with a 40gb (for space reasons). The only complaint about
> this thing I have is the fact they used an nvidia video chip. I have seen
> more than 4 months uptime on it (I used to use it as a desktop)
> I did have a hardware mouse problem, but replacing the touchpad/palm rest
> fixed that. I'd give it a 4 star (out of five, mainly because of the video
> chipset and the keyboard layout)

Hmm, I guess it's a hit and run. I had replaced:

1. Fan assembly (was making grinding sounds after 1.5 years)
2. DVD-CDRW combo (Samsung SN-308B could not really read pretty much
anything but burns pretty well)
3. LCD (backlight burned out and I managed to tear connectors on the
panel trying to see if I can replace the light and what part shoudl I
order). Well, that helped to persuade my better half that I really
need 1600x1200 ;)
4. Original Hitachi hard driver died horrible death - I returned home
and heard it making grinding sounds and hitting heads against
5. Replacement IBM drive has developed a few bad sectors, need to
arrange replacement.

But I guess all of it has something to do with being on 24/7. I am not
complaining, I like the box, especially the touchpad ;)

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