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SubjectRe: Potentially dead bttv cards from 2.6.10
James Bruce wrote:
> Well, are there any theories as to why it would work flawlessly, then
> after a hard lockup (due to what I think is a buggy V4L2 application),
> that the cards no longer work? That was with 2.6.10, but after they
> started failing I tried 2.6.11-rc5 and it doesn't work either. By the
> way, I sent the wrong output; what I sent was from 2.6.11-rc5. The
> 2.6.10 output is below, and looks similar except for generating a
> different error message.

Is there any chance that the lockup was related to an external event,
like a spike on the line to the video? Or any other outside event? It
seems like a very odd failure mode, but since I'm about to drop in a
bttv card and digitize about a hundred old tapes, I'd like to know.

Did you try the "card=" suggestion?

-bill davidsen (
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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