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SubjectRe: Xterm Hangs - Possible scheduler defect?
> `xterm' is waiting for the other CPU to schedule a kernel thread (which is
> bound to that CPU). Once that kernel thread has done a little bit of work,
> `xterm' can terminate.
> But kernel threads don't run with realtime policy, so your userspace app
> has permanently starved that kernel thread.
> It's potentially quite a problem, really. For example it could prevent
> various tty operations from completing, it will prevent kjournald from ever
> writing back anything (on uniprocessor, etc). I've been waiting for
> someone to complain ;)
> But the other side of the coin is that a SCHED_FIFO userspace task
> presumably has extreme latency requirements, so it doesn't *want* to be
> preempted by some routine kernel operation. People would get irritated if
> we were to do that.
> So what to do?

It shouldn't need to preempt the kernel operation. Why is the design such that
the necessary kernel thread can't run on the other CPU?

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