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SubjectRe: mouse still losing sync and thus jumping around
Dmitry Torokhov wrote:
> Yes, It usually happens either under high load, when mouse interrupts are
> significantly delayed. Or sometimes it happen when applications poll
> battey status and on some boxes it takes pretty long time. And because
> it is usually the same chip that serves keyboard/mouse it again delays
> mouse interrupts.

I have this problem with recent 2.6.10 kernels too, but it has nothing to do
with load in my case; it happens whenever I switch my KVM to the linux box.

Long ago and far away, it used to be that switching out of X, then back in
(ctrl-alt-F1, then ctrl-alt-F7) would reset the mouse and stop the jumping.
At some point in late 2.4/early 2.6 that stopped working, and the only fix
was to unplug the mouse from the KVM switch and re-plug it.

In Oct 2004 I posted to lkml with subject "KVM -> jumping mouse... still no
solution?" Dmitry Torokhov (hi :) responded that this would work on 2.6.9-rc3+:

echo -n "reconnect" > /sys/bus/serio/devices/serioX/driver

That was GREAT and it worked for a while, but now my last few 2.6.10 kernels
don't seem to care when I do that, and again, unplugging the mouse is the
only thing that works. I'm currently running 2.6.10-gentoo-r6.

-Anthony DiSante
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