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SubjectRe: 2.6.11rc4: irq 5, nobody cared
Rogério Brito wrote:
> On Feb 20 2005, Folkert van Heusden wrote:
>>My linux laptop says:
>>irq 5: nobody cared!
> (...)
>>Does anyone care? :-)
> Well, I'm getting similar stack traces with my system and those are sure
> scary, but it seems that my e-mails to the list are simply ignored,
> unfortunately.

I posted a similar thing, but the problem is not that you get the
message. It means your hardware generated an unexpected interrupt. The
kernel is reporting that fact as it should.

The problem I had (not resolved) is that after the message
I continued to get interrupts! So the logic to disable the IRQ is not
working correctly.

as you note, because the hardware is generating the condition, no one
seems to care, even though there clearly is a problem in the disable
logic. I found a way to fix my hardware thanks to some pointers I got,
so I'm running, but I haven't heard that the base problem is fixed.

-bill davidsen (
"The secret to procrastination is to put things off until the
last possible moment - but no longer" -me
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