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SubjectRe: [Fastboot] [PATCH] Reserving backup region for kexec based crashdumps.

And the feedback begins :)

Itsuro Oda <> writes:

> Hi,
> I don't like calling crash_kexec() directly in (ex.) panic().
> It should be call_dump_hook() (or something like this).
> I think the necessary modifications of the kernel is only:
> - insert the hooks that calls a dump function when crash occur
> - binding interface that binds a dump function to the hook
> (like register_dump_hook())
> - supply the information of valid physical address regions
/proc/iomem or possibly /proc/cpumem. At least until someone
actually implements hot plug memory support.

> (- maybe some existent functions and variables need to be exported ?)
> I think this makes any sort of dump functions can be implemented
> as a kernel module. I don't think it is best way that the "kexec based
> crashdump" is built in the kernel.

For people developing code outside of the kernel I can see where
this is a problem. Given the insane auditing requirements necessary
to get a reliable code path I don't see how not putting the implementation
in the kernel is sane. Anything that needs to be touched at that point
is core kernel functionality GPL_ONLY if it is exported at all.
Touching anything from a module at that point is not sane.

Basically the code path setup with crash_kexec is little more
than a jump instruction. And it should be audited and reduced
as much as possible. I don't see how you get simpler or what
piece of functionality could possibly improve by having multiple
implementations in kernel modules.


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