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SubjectRe: Linux hangs during IDE initialization at boot for 30 sec
Richard Hughes wrote:
> Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh <at>> writes:
>>This looks like bogus HW, or bogus list of IDE interfaces ...
> How can I test to see if this is the case?
>>The IDE layer waits up to 30 seconds for a device to drop it's busy bit,
>>which is necessary for some drives that aren't fully initialized yet.
> Sure, make sense.
>>I suspect in your case, it's reading "ff", which indicates either that
>>there is no hardware where the kernel tries to probe, or that there is
>>bogus IDE interfaces which don't properly have the D7 line pulled low so
>>that BUSY appears not set in absence of a drive.
> Right. How do I find the value of D7?
>>I'm not sure how the list of intefaces is probed on this machine, that's
>>probably where the problem is.

I've read that people have had this problem go away if they disable this

< > generic/default IDE chipset support

If you have chipset support for your IDE controller this isn't needed,
and I'd recommend disabling it. The "why" it made the problem go away is
something I can't answer.

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