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SubjectRe: [patch, 2.6.11-rc2] sched: RLIMIT_RT_CPU_RATIO feature
Bill Huey (hui) wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 08:54:24AM +1100, Peter Williams wrote:
>>As Ingo said in an earlier a post, with a little ingenuity this problem
>>can be solved in user space. The programs in question can be setuid
>>root so that they can set RT scheduling policy BUT have their
>>permissions set so that they only executable by owner and group with the
>>group set to a group that only contains those users that have permission
>>to run this program in RT mode. If you wish to allow other users to run
>>the program but not in RT mode then you would need two copies of the
>>program: one set up as above and the other with normal permissions.
> Again, in my post that you snipped you didn't either read or understand
> what I was saying regarding QoS,

I guess that I thought that it was overkill for the problem under
discussion and probably won't solve it anyway. Giving any task special
preferential (emphasis on the preferential) treatment should require
authorization by a suitably privileged entity at some stage. So the
problem of how ordinary users manage to launch tasks that receive
preferential treatment will remain.

> nor about the large scale issues regarding
> dual/single kernel development environments. Ultimately this stuff requires
> non-trivial support in kernel space, a softirq thread migration mechanism
> and a frame driven scheduler to back IO submission across async boundaries.
> My posts where pretty clear on this topic and lot of this has origins
> coming from SGI IRIX. Yes, SGI IRIX. One of the only system man enough
> to handle this stuff.
> Ancient, antiquated Unix scheduler semantics (sort and run) and lack of
> control over critical facilities like softirq processing are obstacles
> to getting at this.

Sorry for upsetting you,
Peter Williams

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