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SubjectRe: [ACPI] Call for help: list of machines with working S3 (fwd)
Pavel Machek schrieb:
>>>I'm not sure if you can push the whole industry at once.
>>The goal is to know what to tell the system vendors
>>interested in supporting Linux what they should do
>>with their BIOS on future platforms.
>>I believe our message should be:
>>1. BIOS should save/restore video in S3
> Actually, that'd expect too much of BIOS writers. I believe right
> solution is "POST video as you do during normal boot in S3 resume".

Why not leave the choice to the BIOS writers? If some are able to
save/restore video state by themselves, we shoudln't stop them.
As long as the state after resume accepts setting the mode without
lockup, we should be fine.

>>2. Use Intel's ACPICA ASL compiler -- if not for production,
>>then at least as a static source code checker for validation.
> 3. Try to boot linux (here's live cd). If it complains about bios bugs
> (dmesg | grep ...), try to see if it is not indeed your bug.

That could even be automated more. A live cd which boots, performs
a few tests, displays the results on screen and offers an option
to save these results to usbstick/network/disk/whatever.
After saving the boot results, it will perform a S3 suspend and
resume and display/save the results of that, too. If Intel have
enough money, they could provide the functionality on a hard
disk and it would have the benefit that S4 could be tested as well.
If the disk has a FAT32 partition, the results can be saved there.

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