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SubjectRE: SL811 problem on mach-pxa
> Some of that looks reasonable, not all.  In particular, don't
> change the convention on resources (memory to i/o), or expect
> that the two regions involve more than one byte each ... the
> hardware only has two single-byte registers!

ok, perhaps I've misunderstood the meaning of IORESOURCE_IO and
IORESOURCE_MEM. Is IORESOURCE_IO for "outb" and "inb" (Intel assembler,
don't know the Arm aquivalent)? Then you are right, it should be
IORESOURCE_MEM, only, because anything is accessed as like accessing normal
memory. I didn't found much documention of such low-level kernel

> I'll look at the ep->hep stuff ... I could believe rc1 got a
> bug added there. The urb->hcpriv bit looks wrong though.
> It may take a little time for me to check it out though.

ok, thanks. If you have a new patch, I'll try it on my platform.

> > There is still an important error: When a device is
> > plugged, then opened and
> > then unplugged while open, it looks like the process
> > freezes, which opened the device
> That seems pretty odd; I certainly tested that (on 2.6.almost-10)
> as part of the initial development, and nothing in that area should
> have changed either in the sl811 driver or usbcore. I suspect the
> issue is one of the other changes you made.

perhaps you are right, I don't understand the interactions between the
driver and the USB framework in detail.

> Hmm, what platform were you using? I've had reports that one of the
> KARO boards has that issue.

The platform was developed by a company I'm working for as a freelancer for
a product the company sells.

> That looks like the sort of thing that
> should be done in the reset() routine rather than start();
> and it should
> certainly use a symbolic constant not 0x08.

do you mean sl811->board->reset? I don't know, where I have to setup the
function pointer, but looks ok for me to reset the controller (and all
plugged USB devices) in the probe function.

Frank Buß,,

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