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SubjectRe: [OT] speeding boot process (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] hotplug-ng 001 release)
Nigel Cunningham said the following:
> You warmed my heart until...

Good to know someone reads my email =)

> Why not? :> I guess you mean to the problem of slow booting in the first
> place - I would agree with you there, but is there are reason why we
> should have booting being the norm instead of normally suspending and
> resuming, and only rebooting for new kernels/hardware/etc.

Don't get me wrong, I would go nuts without swsusp2 on my notebook and I don't
see why that shouldn't be a valid avenue to pursue; even for servers it doesn't
seem like a terribly bad idea. But for me it only works on 1 out of my 4
machines. The 3 non-working machines have their root and swap on SCSI devices
and to top it off 2 of them are non-x86 architectures.

Another issue would be dual-booting, which a lot of people still do for some
strange reason. At least I had noticed that Windows tends to have problems when
filesystems it had mounted before the hibernation are altered while it's not
running. I'm not sure if similar issues would apply to Linux, hell I'm not even
sure if it still applies to Windows because that was so long ago that I had

> Regards,
> Nigel

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