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SubjectRe: [BK] upgrade will be needed
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, kernel wrote:

> On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 13:56, Larry McVoy wrote:
>> All we are trying to do is
>> 1. Provide the open source community with a useful tool.
>> 2. Prevent that from turning into the open source community
>> creating a clone of our tool.
> lol
>> I agree that this sucks, having a license that restricts your creativity
>> is very annoying. On the other hand, you don't have to agree to it.
> Just catching up on this thread. I guess I'm ultimately surprised that
> the developers here don't create a system *they* like with *their*
> knowledge and skillsets.
> With all of the complaining about BK you'd think there'd be an equal
> alternative.
> For everyone not liking Larry nor BK, why don't you use that as
> inspiration to develop together a better app with terms more agreeable?
> Surely that would put a bit of vinegar in his p*ss, wouldn't it?
> -fd

I have two questions for Larry.

(1) If I use BK for company source-code development (purchased
product, I didn't buy it, the company did and they require
me to use it for my work) and I go to work for another company
that also uses BK, your license says I can't use BK at the other
company, which means that I can't work there.

This is unlawful. How do you intend to enforce this?

(2) If I use BK and I decide that I don't want to do business with
you or the courts say that I have to return the software, will my
source-code still be usable with, perhaps CVS? In other words
do I need BK to retrieve my company's intellectual property?

Note that there is a little company (was a big company until
the lawsuit), that used VOBS (container files) to store source-
code. Seems that when the license expired, the users couldn't get
their source code out. There was a lawsuit. Company lost
(of course). Seems you can't hold somebody's intellectual
property for ransom, at least in the United States.

Dick Johnson
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