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SubjectRe: [ACPI] Re: Call for help: list of machines with working S3

> > I would advise trying to compile a custom kernel from scratch with my
> > .config first.
> >
> > I got S3 working first with a very basic kernel config, but I couldn't
> > get it to work with my usual kernel. Assuming it was some feature that
> > caused the problem, I started disabling features in the hope of getting
> > it to work, but I ended up with two different kernels with seemingly
> > irrelevant differences, of which one would succesfully resume and one
> > wouldn't. So I started added features to the other kernel, and I never
> > found out what caused the problem.
> I took your advice and built your kernel with a few modifications (XFS instead
> of ext, etc.). If I boot the kernel with init=/bin/sh, I can actually
> suspend! Thanks!
> I will exhaustively enable and disable drivers tomorrow to figure out which
> one is causing suspend to fail when I do a complete boot. Whatever we find is
> clearly a bug that should be fixed.
> It is not the framebuffer driver (I always ran without vesafb or radeonfb),
> and it is not my ipw2200 or USB drivers.
> Also, is USB suspend/resume supposed to work? My brief trials involved
> modprobing the USB HCD modules, which still allowed me to suspend/resume, but
> my USB mouse was non-functional on resume.

Yes, it seems to work quite okay. You may need to unplug/replug
devices after resume, but it should be basically ok.
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