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SubjectRe: [BK] upgrade will be needed
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 wrote:

>> this does mean that there would be somehat of a commiter/non-commiter
>> split, with the difference between them being those who agree to the
>> non-compete license of #1 and those who don't and use #2 to have a local
>> read-only copy and have to use normal patches to submit changes up the
>> tree.
> And how does the CVS gateway not provide this today? We effectively
> have exactly what you are describing. And long ago I offered what I
> called the tarball + patch server with an open source client for all
> trees on - here it is:
> If people had stopped flaming long enough to look at that it would
> be installed on bkbits today and any repo hosted there would have an
> automatic real-time gateway with no license problems. Heck, we could
> even export the changeset comments into ChangeLog as Keith suggested
> here: .

the advantage over CVS would be the reduced network useage (both server
side and client side), but that's not worth the development costs you are

since I don't have any problem with your license I had forgotten about
that other option. I was just trying to clarify what looked like a
misunderstanding of what was being asked and exploring options to reduce
the flaming.

> People didn't seem interested and I came with the conclusion, rightly or
> wrongly, that the vast majority of the people who did real work didn't
> care about the license and the noisy people just wanted to pick a fight.
> If I was wrong and this is valuable I can look into putting it up on

unfortunantly, you are probably right :-(

David Lang

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