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SubjectRe: [BK] upgrade will be needed
Hi Larry, (Larry McVoy) writes:
> The protection we need is that people don't get to
> - use BK
> - stop using BK so they can go work on another system
> - start using BK again
> - stop using BK so they can go work on another system
> ...
> We could say that if you stop using BK and work on another system then
> you can't ever use it again. We're not going to do that, we've already
> had to calm the fears of people who found themselves in that situation
> for their job.

how about something akin to
'You can only use the non-paying version of BK
if you haven't worked on another SCM-system in the last year.'

So if I stop using BK, I can immediately start working on another SCM
but I can't go back to BK immediately.

That would be much more acceptable to me, I know what I did in the past,
but I won't accept any restriction of what I can do in the future.

There would still be a problem of what to do if I get addicted to BK.


NO to the planned nodding through of the EU software patent directive!

Jürgen Stuber <>
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