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    SubjectRe: Make pipe data structure be a circular list of pages, rather
    On Sad, 2005-01-08 at 18:41, Linus Torvalds wrote:
    > For all of those that are valid (certainly the signal case), you need to
    > put the pipe into nonblocking mode anyway, so I don't think coalescing is
    > really needed. SuS certainly does _not_ seem guarantee that you can do
    > many nonblocking writes (small _or_ big). Let's see if somebody reports
    > any trouble with the new world order.

    It breaks netscape 3 if I simulate it (but thats picking an app I know
    makes silly assumptions).

    >From the rules pasted below I think the 1 byte at a time 4K write is
    guaranteed or at least strongly implied. The single write atomicity is
    guaranteed but that is if anything made easier by the changes.

    (From pathconf)


    returns the size of the pipe buffer, where filedes must
    to a pipe or FIFO and path must refer to a FIFO. The
    sponding macro is _POSIX_PIPE_BUF.

    (From pwrite)

    Write requests of {PIPE_BUF} bytes or less shall not be interleaved with
    data from other processes doing writes on the same pipe. Writes of
    greater than {PIPE_BUF} bytes may have data interleaved, on arbitrary
    boundaries, with writes by other processes, whether or not the
    O_NONBLOCK flag of the file status flags is set.

    [of O_NDELAY for pipe]
    A write request for {PIPE_BUF} or fewer bytes shall have the following
    effect: if there is sufficient space available in the pipe, write()
    shall transfer all the data and return the number of bytes requested.
    Otherwise, write() shall transfer no data and return -1 with errno set
    to [EAGAIN].

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