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SubjectRe: [PATCH] swsusp: properly suspend and resume *all* devices
>>Obviously, I don't get the APIC errors, but everything else is the same, random
>>devices fail and need to be reloaded (3c59x and uhci-hcd in particular), plus
>>the system appears to panic somewhere along the way to resume occasionally (as I
>>assume from the hung machine and blinking CAPS LOCK), which didn't happen
>>previously (2.6.9,, ...). I also see lots of
>>drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: input irq status -84 received
>>until I do a 'rmmod uhci_hcd; modprobe uhci_hcd'. This used to happen with 2.6.9
>>as well, but the system would recover after about 20 messages or so like this
>>after a resume.
>>Any suggestions about where to look to track this down?
> Check if 3c59x has suspend/resume support. If not, add it.
> Panic... we really need to know why it panicked. VESAFB does not
> support blanking, just switch to VESAFB and you should be able to see
> the messages.
> Pavel

I have a problem with net-devices, ne2000 in particular, in 2.6.9 and
2.6.10, too. After a resume the ne2000-device doesn't work anymore. I
have to restart it using the initscripts.

How do I add suspend/resume support (to ISA devices, like my ne2000)?
Can you point me to some information/tutorial?

Lion Vollnhals
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