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    SubjectRe: [PATCH] relayfs redux, part 2
    Andi Kleen writes:
    > Tom Zanussi <> writes:
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > This patch is the result of the latest round of liposuction on relayfs
    > > - the patch size is now 44K, down from 110K and the 200K before that.
    > > I'm posting it as a patch against 2.6.10 rather than -mm in order to
    > > make it easier to review, but will create one for -mm once the changes
    > > have settled down.
    > The logging fast path seems still a bit slow to me. I would like
    > to have a logging macro that is not much worse than a stdio putc,
    > basically something like
    > get_cpu();
    > if (buffer space > N) {
    > memcpy(buffer, input, N);
    > buffer pointer += N;
    > } else {
    > FreeBuffer(input, N);
    > }
    > put_cpu();

    I think what we have now is somewhat similar, except that we wanted to
    separate grabbing a slot in the buffer from the memcpy because some
    applications such as ltt want to be able to directly write into the
    slot without having to copy it into another buffer first. How about
    something like this for relay reserve, with the local_add_return()
    gone since we're assuming the client protects the buffer properly for
    whatever it's doing:

    if (buffer->offset + length <= bufsize) {
    reserved = buffer->data + buffer->offset;
    buffer->offset += length;
    } else { /* slow path */
    reserved = switch_buffer(length);
    if (reserved)
    buffer->offset += length;

    return reserved;

    If you set up the channel to use MODE_CONTINUOUS, meaning continuously
    cycle around the buffer, your logging function or macro would look
    something like this:

    simplest_write(data, length)

    reserved = relay_reserve();
    memcpy(reserved, data, length);


    Clients who want to stop logging if the buffers are full would have an
    extra test for when the reserve fails, which can never happen in
    continuous mode:

    /* uses MODE_NO_OVERWRITE */
    ltt_write(data, length)

    reserved = relay_reserve();
    if (reserved) { /* if NULL, buffer full */
    memcpy(reserved, item1, len1);
    memcpy(reserved, itemN, lenN);


    > This would need interrupt protection only if interrupts can access
    > it, best you use separate buffers for that too.

    Not sure what you mean by separate buffers for that too. Can you
    expand on that a little?



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