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SubjectRe: don't let mmap allocate down to zero
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005, Hugh Dickins wrote:

> Perhaps you're coming from experience of various buggy apps
> that get into difficulties if mmaps are found below mm->brk?
> I'm not sure that we should be cutting others' address space to
> make life easier for those, they should be ADDR_COMPAT_LAYOUT.

The main thing I would really like to preserve is the
space used for "near-NULL" pointer detection. That is,
detection of trying to access a large index in a NULL
pointer array, etc.

I'd be happy to have some arbitrary value for the lower

> arch/ppc64/mm/hugetlbpage.c (odd place to find it) has its own
> arch_get_unmapped_area_topdown, should be given a similar fix.

Good point, though a 64 bit architecture is, umm, less
likely to run all the way down to zero within our lifetime.

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