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SubjectRe: yenta_socket rapid fires interrupts

On Mon, 10 Jan 2005, DHollenbeck wrote:
> However, when I have a "CARDBUS to USB 2.0 Hi-Speed Adapter" installed
> at the time of modprobe yenta_socket, I get a problem, shown below.

Can you compile the kernel with kallsyms info? That would make the output
a whole lot more readable.

> The same problem occurs if the Adapter is inserted after the yenta
> module is loaded. That is, load the yenta_socket module: no problem,
> then physically insert the Adapter: same problem.

Can you test with another type of card, just to see if it is specific to
that particular driver, or it happens with any card insertion event?

> This same Adapter card works fine in a different pentium shoebox
> computer using the same kernel and root file system as the "problem
> embedded pentium" system, but with a different CARDBUS chipset.

It's entirely possible that they have different behaviours for screaming
interrupts and/or just different setup.

> irq 11: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option.
> [<c0127362>]
> ....
> handlers:
> [<c2837930>]
> [<c2837930>]

I can't tell what your handlers are, but there are two of them, and they
are the same, which makes me strongly suspect that it's just the two
"yenta_socket" handlers for the two slots (sharing the same interrupt).

Which implies that when the card was inserted and powered on, it started
enabling the interrupt early, before the low-level driver had had a chance
to register _its_ interrupt handler.

> 01:00.0 Class 0c03: 10b9:5237 (rev 03) (prog-if 10)
> Subsystem: 10b9:5237
> Flags: 66Mhz, medium devsel, IRQ 11
> Memory at 10400000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [disabled] [size=4K]
> Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 2
> 01:00.3 Class 0c03: 10b9:5239 (rev 01) (prog-if 20)
> Subsystem: 10b9:5272
> Flags: 66Mhz, medium devsel, IRQ 11
> Memory at 10401000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [disabled] [size=256]
> Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
> Capabilities: [58] #0a [2090]

Hmm. That would be "PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_USB", but clearly:

> root@EMBEDDED[~]# cat /proc/interrupts
> CPU0
> 11: 98681 XT-PIC yenta, yenta

No USB driver there, so the driver never even loaded. The problem probably
happened immediately on card insertion, and is likely card-indepdendent.
But it would be nice to have that confirmed by testing.

It seems to be a TI 1520 chipset:

00:0d.0 Class 0607: 104c:ac55 (rev 01)

Yenta: CardBus bridge found at 0000:00:0d.0 [0000:0000]
Yenta: Enabling burst memory read transactions
Yenta: Using CSCINT to route CSC interrupts to PCI
Yenta: Routing CardBus interrupts to PCI
Yenta TI: socket 0000:00:0d.0, mfunc 0x00001022, devctl 0x64
Yenta: ISA IRQ mask 0x00a8, PCI irq 11
Socket status: 30000020

and everything looks good in that the interrupt probing seems to have been
happy at this stage - so at least the CSC interrupt is working right.

There used to be somebody who knew the TI chips on the list - I've only
worked with the older ones. But everything _looks_ fine.

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