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SubjectRe: SCHED_BATCH not stopped (swsusp fails)
Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
>>SCHED_BATCH processes dont seem to heed the `stop' request (order?) by
>>swsusp. I run httpd and mysqld (for my wiki page) with SCHED_BATCH (so
>>that I can work on my computer even if the load is very high) but when I
>>try to suspend the system, it tries to stop the tasks and simply returns.
>>Here is the dmesg output (paritial)
> Aha, so if it mysqld is not running SCHED_BATCH priority, stopping
> mysqld will work ok?

That makes sense.

Sorry, SCHED_BATCH is unique to my tree at the moment so this is my
mistake for not considering it. I'll have to transiently schedule
SCHED_BATCH tasks as SCHED_NORMAL if we are going into swsusp. It's
something I'll have to work on. In the interim, a workaround would be to
convert all httpd threads to SCHED_NORMAL before shutting down in your
scripts somewhere and convert them back after resuming.


P.S. Raj the --cutme-- thing in your email is very annoying for those of
us who reply to up to 300 emails a day (and yes I do know why you do it,
but if you keep doing it people will stop replying directly to you).
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