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    SubjectRe: APIC, changing level/edge interrupt
    Tim Hockin wrote:

    >Of course. My point was that if it does not, it's a bug in the BIOS.
    Something Windows doesn't seem to be affected by so I don't think we'll
    get much help fixing the bios.

    >>But since BIOS can configure the APIC then the kernel should be able to
    >Of course, but the kernel has no way to know whether a device should be
    >edge or level triggered unless you have a driver for that device. And
    >even if you do, I don't know that there is an API in kernel to say
    >set_irq_mode(IRQ_EDGE) (though there could be).
    There are some calls in the ACPI layer which plays with the level/edge
    stuff but they don't seem very generic. Besides, what I want right now
    is just some possibility of confirming that this level/edge business is
    the cause of all these problems.

    >>What is the default mode and what does the XT-PIC expect? (it works fine
    >>with the apic disabled).
    >I think default is PIC-compatible which is edge by default. I think. I
    >don;t have the book here.
    Ok. The default from the device is level mode which works fine on PIC
    systems. I'm not sure that the hardware actually respects this bit
    because level/pulse mode doesn't make any difference on either PIC or
    APIC systems.


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