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SubjectRe: [PROPOSAL/PATCH] Fortuna PRNG in /dev/random
> What if I told the SHA-1 implementation in random.c right now is weaker
> than those hashs in terms of collisions? The lack of padding in the
> implementation is the cause. HASH("a\0\0\0\0...") == HASH("a") There
> are billions of other examples.

EXCUSE me? You're a little unclear, so I don't want to be attacking strawmen
of my own devising, but are you claiming the failure to do Merkle-Damgaard
padding in the output mixing operation of /dev/random is a WEAKNESS?

If true, this is a level of cluelessness incompatible with being trusted
to design decent crypto.

The entire purpose of Merkle-Damgaard padding (also know as
Merkle-Damgaard strengthening) is to include the length in the data
hashed, to make hashing variable-sized messages as secure as fixed-size
messages. If what you are hashing is, by design, always fixed-length,
this is completely unnecessary.

If I were designing a protocol for message interchange, I might add
the padding anyway, just to use pre-existing primitives easily, but
for a 100% internal use like a PRNG, let's see... I can reduce code
size AND implementation complexity AND run time without ANY security
consequences, and there are no interoperability issues...

I could argue it's a design flaw to *include* the padding.
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