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SubjectRe: Design for setting video modes, ownership of sysfs attributes

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004, Jon Smirl wrote:

> You did that from an xterm, right? Which console device is the xterm running on?


I thought /dev/pts/1 was a console - much like regular tty or a serial

> X starts up a process that knows which device it is running and it can
> remember that device since X stays running.
> Maybe the answer is that this is something for the VC layer since the
> VC layer stays running and knows what device it was started on. An
> escape sequence could query the device from the VC terminal emulator.
> Is there some way to figure this out from the environment?

Well, there is a DISPLAY variable which you likely knew about. Otherwise
there does not seem to be anything else console specific.

Btw, completely unrelated, but I found that that I have
WINDOW_MANAGER=metacity set. Not sure how I got it, but I am running KDE.


Vladimir Dergachev
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