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SubjectRe: FYI: my current bigdiff
On Thursday 09 September 2004 10:13 pm, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> First suspend worked.
> First resume came back, but all kinds of problems with my network,
> with my usb, and with sound.
> ...
> After booting with the pci=routeirq as suggested wireless and usb
> played nice on suspend resume again.

Yes, I've had a couple other reports of this, but haven't made any
progress on tracking it down yet. (The other reports were from
vanilla -mm kernels, so I don't think it's related to Pavel's patch.)

I'm completely ignorant about how swsusp works; I guess this is my
chance to learn. "pci=routeirq" just causes us to do all the PCI
ACPI IRQ routing at boot-time, before the drivers start up. This
happens in pci_acpi_init(), which is a subsys_initcall that is run
at initial boot-time, but (I assume) not during a resume.

- Can you confirm that your USB and prism drivers were loaded
and working fine before the suspend?

- Could you post the whole dmesg log, including the part from
boot to suspend, and also the part after resume? I'd like
to see these both with and without "pci=routeirq" to see if
there's some meaningful difference.

- Can you capture the contents of /proc/interrupts before the

Thanks for the problem report.
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