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SubjectRe: ide-cs using 100% CPU
Alan Cox wrote:

>On Gwe, 2004-08-06 at 20:33, Hamie wrote:
>>Is 100% CPU not excessive? IIRC my PIII-750 used to use less CPU doing
>>the same job as quick, or even slightly faster...
>PCMCIA IDE is PIO only so it burns CPU. This is one case where
>hyperthreading is nice. Cardbus IDE is a lot better but very little
>exists and we don't currently support hotplug IDE controllers.

Ah right. But would a CF memory card be cardbus anyway?

>>And should it not use system CPU rather than user CPU?
>Yes - but figure out please if the kernel or userspace is getting that
>wrong ;)

My apologies. It was gkrellm leading me up the garden path on that
one... Copying about 100MB from a 512MB CF card (25+ photos from my
camera) vmstat 5 reports 4% usercpu, 96% system cpu. And the response on
the system is sluggish to say the least. (Moving the pointer in X is
painful :). gkrell meanwhile on it's cpu graph shows about 30% system,
and the rest as userCPU. No idea why, I guess till I find out I'll just
regard gkrellm's cpu graph as a waste of space (To differentiate system
& user cpu anyway :).


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