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SubjectRe: PATCH: cdrecord: avoiding scsi device numbering for ide devices
>>>	The CAM interface (which is from the SCSI standards group)
>>> usually is implemeted in a way that applications open /dev/cam and
>>> later supply bus, target and lun in order to get connected
>>> to any device on the system that talks SCSI.

This would be great!

I'm currently fussing about how my new RAID driver
(hardware assisted) can expose it's member drives
in such a way as for the userspace RAID management s/w
to be able to find them.

The driver only sees channel:device:lun, whereas in userspace
there's no tidy way to convert that to a major:minor pair.

I figure this cannot be the only situation where this is a problem.
We're hoping to resolve it all with the scsidev utility,
which is basically a kludge to work around a very inconventient
API from the kernel. Having a /dev/cam interface as described above
would certainly help here.

What other ways to do this should I be looking at?
(common to both 2.4.xx and 2.6.xx ??)
Mark Lord
(hdparm keeper & the original "Linux IDE Guy")
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