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SubjectRe: Program-invoking Symbolic Links?
Good morning, John,
(My apologies for floating offtopic for kernel programming. I
wanted to provide a quick example for John and others interested in doing
this so they could see this can be done outside of the kernel.)

On Thu, 5 Aug 2004, John M Collins wrote:

> (Please CC any reply to jmc AT as I'm not subbed - thanks).
> I wondered if anyone had ever thought of implementing an alternative form of
> symbolic link which was in fact an invocation of a program?
> Such a symbolic link would "do all the necessary" to fork off a new process
> running the specified program with input or output from or to a pipe
> depending on whether the link was opened for writing or reading respectively.
> RW access would probably have to be banned and the link would usually be
> read-only or write-only.
> What I originally wanted was symbolic links (with "=>" as a possible
> notation).
> latest_version.tar => "tar cf - /latest/and/greatest"
> latest_version.tgz => "gzip -c latest_version"
> and the like, which I could link on a website so I didn't have to run around
> updating tar files/zip files/gzipped tar files etc each time I fix a bug in
> some package.

Is there any reason this couldn't be done in userspace by using
named pipes instead of a new form of symlink?


if [ ! -e livepipe ]; then
echo Making livepipe >&2
mkfifo livepipe

while : ; do
echo -n . >&2
( date ) >livepipe
sleep 1

Run this, and then from another window, simply do:
cat livepipe
To see the date, or whatever output is provided by the subshell.
I'd like to sincerely request that further discussion _not_
continue on linux-kernel - please respond privately.
- Bill

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