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Subject[patch] voluntary-preempt-2.6.8-rc2-O2

here's the latest version of the voluntary-preempt patch:

this patch is mainly a stabilization effort. I dropped the irq-threads
code added in -M5 and rewrote it from scratch based on -L2 - it is
simpler and should be more robust.

The same /proc/irq/* configuration switches are still present, but i
added the following additional rule: if _any_ handler of a given IRQ is
marked as non-threaded then all handlers will be executed non-threaded
as well.

E.g. if you have the following handlers on IRQ 10:

10: 11584 IO-APIC-level eth0, eth1, eth2

and you change /proc/irq/16/eth1/threaded from 1 to 0 then the eth0 and
eth2 handlers will be executed non-threaded as well. (This rule only
enforces what the hardware enforces anyway, none of the previous patches
allowed true separation of these handlers.)

i also changed the IO-APIC level-triggered code to be robust when
redirection is done. The noapic workaround should not be necessary

the keyboard lockups are now hopefully all gone too - i've tested
IO-APIC and non-IO-APIC setups as well and NumLock/ScrollLock works fine
in all sorts of workloads.

Let me know if you still have any problems.

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