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SubjectRe: Points to fs architecture
This sounds like a job for dazuko ( -- I know that utilities
like ClamAV use that to accomplish some very similar things to what you're


On Mon, Jul 05, 2004 at 04:38:58PM -0500, surfing t wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to create a utility that "hooks" into the the filesystem. What I want to do is to be able to review
> all file system read/write/seek requests, most of the time without affecting file system operation (ie after
> review the request is passed on to the entity that would have received it had my utility not been installed, however
> some of the requests my driver should handle itself. My problem is that while I have first-hand experience on kernel
> programming I have never done anything on a UNIX og Linux kernel and I only know its structure from a user-level
> perspective. Where can I find documentation on how to code drivers for the Linux kernel and about how the entire
> file system works (by "file system" I don't refer to ext3 or reiserfs or anything like that - I mean the architecture that allows all these things to co-exist). I want my driver to be at a level above things like ext3/reiserfs if possible. Basically I just want to "hijack" the system calls that applications use to access files and then pass them on to the original system call. Is this possible and how do I do it? Any help will be greatly appreciated and the utility I have in mind will benefit the entire community (I will GPL it of course) and I believe it could so some extent make Linux more popular. I am a bit secretive right now because I really want to implement this idea myself. I will give credit to those who responds to this message.
> Thank you in advance!
> --
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