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SubjectRe: Backlight and LCD module patches [2]
On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 18:25:47 -0500
John Lenz <> wrote:

> Actually, now that I think about it a bit more, I think the
> lcd_properties->match function should take a device * as a paramater
> instead of a fb_info *. Insead of passing the fb_info pointer to the
> match function, we really should be passing the actual device
> structure. For example, in the pxafb driver, it would register the
> platform_device that it creates with either the class code (if
> class_match is used) or with the lcdbase code. This way the lcd driver
> could examine the device * and look at for example which resources it
> used, which memory region it was using, etc. and make its decision.
If you look here: you can see that this is
exactly what I was proposing minus your proposal for a more generic
class device match function. I was imagining that it would happen this way:
the framebuffer device during initialization calls lcd_find_device() and
passes his own 'struct device' to it; then lcd_find_device calls the match
function of every previously registered LCD device with this parameter. The
first one that says 'match' is returned. Same about backlight.

I don't see many reasons for a generic class match function. Last but not
least the lcd_find_device() function is very small, so it will be a negligible
gain but a lot of hassle (as you said, framebuffer drivers will have to be
rewritten to not use the simple_class device class).

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