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SubjectRe: [PATCH] delete devfs
Jesse Stockall wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-07-21 at 17:27, Greg KH wrote:
>>It fixes an obviously broken chunk of code that is not maintained by
>>_anyone_. And it will clean up all device drivers a _lot_ to have this
>>gone, which will benifit everyone in the long run.
>Agreed, but this 'broken' chunk of code is 'working' for a lot of people
>(whether or not this is due to pure luck is not the point)
Personaly as many of my friends (those who use and care about kernel) we
think that devfs is (was) the only resonable solution for /dev tree, and
should be only one maintained. Requirement of userspace software for
/dev is just a one big mistake. IMO in year time someone will have
another brilliant idea, and will rip udev off. I don't think that's a
good solution. IMO (and that was my humble opinion) devfs should be
maintained instead of rewriting thing again, and creating problems (udev
is not present unless userspace is up, etc).
so for me, and many others devfs should stay as only solution :-)
I am pretty shocked that there is no expierenced developer to maintain
devfs. I would be delighted to do it, but I guess it's over my schledue.
I don't have time enough to maintain my KDE stuff atm, not to mention
kernel bits...

(no flames please, just giving my opinion).


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