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SubjectRe: GCC 3.4 and broken inlining.
On Sat, Jul 10, 2004 at 06:33:40PM -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jul 9, 2004, Nigel Cunningham <> wrote:
> > I do think that functions being declared inline when they can't be
> > inlined is wrong
> The problem is not when they can or cannot be inlined. The inline
> keyword has nothing to do with that. It's a hint to the compiler,
> that means that inlining the function is likely to be profitable.
> But, like the `register' keyword, it's just a hint. And, unlike the
> `register' keyword, it doesn't make certain operations on objects
> marked with it ill-formed (e.g., you can't take the address of an
> register variable, but you can take the address of an inline
> function).

The main reason always_inline was added is that gcc 3.3 stopped
inlining copy_from/to_user, which generated horrible code bloat
(because it consists of a lot of code that was supposed to be optimized away,
and putting it in a static into every module generated a lot of useless code)

At this time the poor person blessed with this compiler y took the easy way out -
just define inline as always_inline.

It may have been possible to do it only for selected functions, but that
would have been a lot of work: you cannot really expect that the
kernel goes through a large effort just to work around compiler
bugs in specific compiler versions.

The gcc 3.4/3.5 inliner seem to be better, but is still quite bad in cases
(e.g. 3.5 stopped to inline the three line fix_to_virt() which requires
inlining). For 3.4/3.5 it's probably feasible to do this, but I doubt
it is worth someone's time for 3.3.

> The issue with inlining that makes it important for the compiler to
> have something to say on the decision is that several aspects of the
> profit from expanding the function inline is often machine-dependent.
> It depends on the ABI (calling conventions), on how slow call
> instructions are, on how important instruction cache hits are, etc.
> Sure enough, GCC doesn't take all of this into account, so its
> heuristics sometimes get it wrong. But it's getting better.

gcc is extremly dumb at that currently. Linux has a lot of inline
functions like

static inline foo(int arg)
if (__builtin_constant_p(arg)) {
/* lots of code that checks for arg and does different things */
} else {
/* simple code */

(e.g. take a look at asm/uaccess.h for extreme examples)

The gcc inliner doesn't know that all the stuff in the constant case
will be optimized away and it assumes the function is big. That's
really a bug in the inliner.

But even without that it seems to do badly - example is asm/fixmap.h:fix_to_virt()

#define __fix_to_virt(x) (FIXADDR_TOP - ((x) << PAGE_SHIFT))
static inline unsigned long fix_to_virt(const unsigned int idx)
if (idx >= __end_of_fixed_addresses)

return __fix_to_virt(idx);

This three liner is _not_ inlined in current gcc mainline.
I cannot describe this in any other way than badly broken.

> Meanwhile, you should probably distinguish between must-inline,
> should-inline, may-inline, should-not-inline and must-not-inline
> functions. Attribute always_inline covers the must-inline case; the

You're asking us to do a lot of work just to work around compiler bugs?

I can see the point of having must-inline - that's so rare that
it can be declared by hand. May inline is also done, except
for a few misguided people who use -O3. should not inline seems
like overkill.

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